What to Bring?
Q: What should I bring with me to the Home on the day of admission?
On the day of admission, it is important to bring copies of any Power of Attorney/Statutory Guardian papers, the resident’s Health Card, a copy of their most recent Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada and a void cheque. If the resident is moving into the home from a community setting you will need to bring all medications and a pharmacy summary of current medications. You will want to bring clothing that is comfortable and machine washable.
A suggested list of clothing items:
- 1 housecoat
- 1 pair of slippers
- 1 pair of shoes
- 10 pairs of socks
- 5 pairs of pajamas
- 6 outfits
- 7 changes undergarments
- 1 hairbrush and comb
Q: Can residents have a television, phone and/or internet in their room?
Televisions, radios, telephones and computers are welcome in all of our rooms. It is the resident or family’s responsibility to provide each device and contact a service provider to setup the service to the room. If the resident is already subscribed to any of these services, you will simply need to have the provider transfer the existing service to their room in the Home.
Q: Can residents bring their own furniture to the Centre?
Residents are welcome to bring in furniture such as dressers, or armchairs provided that they do not overcrowd the room and hinder access to the room or the resident in any way. Nursing staff will advise on furniture placement and accessibility guidelines. The Centre retains the right to refuse any item which may present a fire hazard and/or unsafe condition.
In keeping with Ministry regulations, window coverings made with approved fire retardant fabrics will be supplied by the facility. No substitute or alternative curtains will be allowed in any resident rooms.